
Lithic Fitness

Since I can remember I wanted to look like an action figure or comic book hero.  I attended Ohio University where I studied exercise physiology.  Since then I have continued my journey through the fitness world running marathons, competing as a natural bodybuilder, and teaching others how to achieve their own fitness goals along the way.

I have been coaching others in natural bodybuilding since 2012, both remotely (online) and in person.  I have been personal training since 2013.  My approach is simple. I use the most up to date research to devise a plan, with input from the client, to achieve their desired fitness goals in the most effective, and permanent way possible.

I am constantly keeping up with the newest research on how to best lose fat, build muscle, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

My approach to working out and exercise is easy, do what works.  Training with me, we won't spend much time doing crazy circuits or lots of high rep training.  Those things have a time & place, but are not what will give anyone the most bang for their buck.  The fitness models in magazines or online didn't build great physiques through high rep circuit training, it was done the old fashioned way, which is sets and reps using a variety of free weights, cables, & machines.  This is the tried and true way to build the body you've always wanted.  The best part is, it's simple, and it works.

My nutritional approach is a little unorthodox if you have fallen prey to the belief that you can only eat certain foods, or must stay away from certain foods, to achieve your fitness goals.  This just simply isn't true, and working together I will teach you the methods of what is know as flexible dieting, or macro counting.  This approach will allow you to eat things you thought were "off limits" while still staying on course with whatever your fitness goal may be.